Monday, March 19, 2012

Do I look like a librarian to you?

Well, do I? Because in about 2 years that's what I'll be.

I got my acceptance letter from Wayne State University last week and will start classes (assuming I have the money to do so) in May.

I'm crazy, right?

Friday, December 02, 2011

Post NaNoWriMo depression

This is that magical time if the year when  I sink into a lovely abyss of depression.  Ok, its not nearly as dramatic as that, but I definitely get.into a funk the first half of December and it is entirely the fault if NaNoWriMo.

When you spend 30 days living and breathing your story, getting to know and love and hate your characters, expending every last extra ounce of energy you have working on your book, you feel almost bereft when it's over.  I can't keep up the frantic pace if NaNoWriMo beyond December.  I don't have the energy and my family would kill me.  At the end of every November I get to relive that exhilarating feeling of my dream of being a working writer dying.

Yes,  I know, I am a ray of sunshine.  I can't help it, I'm suffering from post NaNoWriMo depression.

Who knows, maybe this year will be different. Maybe I'll finish the book this year. Maybe I'll rewrite and  edit and polish until it's ready for publication. This could be the  year.

Bit first I need to get some sleep and finish watching this show.

Friday, November 18, 2011

And just because

I'm feeling a little crazy on a Friday night: